
Addictted to… iPhone!

September 6th, 2012 by

In today’s modern life, cell phones are what keep us connected to the world and global economy. Like many households we have done away with landlines and use our cell phones exclusively. Where has society gone? This major change in society has grown rapidly and raises some concern for the long term.

My cell phone addiction started with the use of Palm products. Upon getting into real estate I immediately turned to any and all devices that could keep me accessible and organized. At first, texting was my major outlet. As your typical cell phone advanced I started noticing that texting turned into emailing and going online. For me it was easy to dismiss any concerns I or others might have had but my stubborn resistance to change was clear. Was I in denial? Should I reflect on the nature of my cell phone use and be concerned about the potential of being swept away to a socially acceptable, but potentially dangerous, addiction?

I know, I know…with so many of us using cell phones regularly, the concept of a cell phone addiction seems silly. When we think of “addiction” we immediately think of mind altering substances like drugs or alcohol which carries a social stigma. But when considering this stigma, being preoccupied with cell phone apps, upgrades and innovations are such commonplace and socially acceptable would cause this stigma to fall on those who are not addicted to cell phones. So, is it safe to say that cell phone use undoubtedly activates pleasure centers in the brain? Yes! I’m proof! This pleasure center and for lack of a better term, “well-being,” makes me and many others feel connected to the large world.

Despite the rapid nature of technology’s ongoing evolution and with each new cell phone and PDA boasting even more capabilities than the previous, this does not influence my tendencies. No it’s safe to say that my cell phone addiction lasts longer than 12 months. My cell phone addictions are but not limited too:

  • Prefer communicating via text or email vs. face-to-face
  • Constantly checking device for text messages, emails, voicemails, and  last but not least…social media
  • Fidgety when without cell phone device

Like any addiction the first step is admitting it…..I admit it! Now, what’s the next step? I think realistic and moderate cell phone use is the first step.

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