Waze App Helps Get You Where You Need to Be
May 25th, 2012 by JayThe new Waze App helps get you where you need to be. Most of us commuters and day trippers rely on the traditional GPS devices to get us where we need to be. Tom-Tom and Garmin are a few of the more well known GPS devices but we seem to have forgotten how effective our Smart Phones and applications can be. Waze is a social mobile application, much like a social community that has a network of drivers who are sharing what is happening on the roads around them. By being a Waze user you will obtain an interactive map of your surroundings and offers automatically updated GPS traffic patterns in real-time….all you have to do is open the application and drive. Imagine there is a fender bender and you are stuck in traffic. Take a shot of your surroundings and upload to Waze so that others can be aware of the potential traffic jam. The Waze app takes a safety first approach and has made it so drivers are unable to type as their car is in motion.
One of the biggest issues I had with regular GPS devices was the lack of updates and the inability to automatically reroute my direction. In the event anything changes in traffic my pattern the Waze app will automatically reroute my direction to the fastest route possible. The Waze app works passively as users drive around with the application open.
Waze is a driver generated service and relies on user participation reach it’s full potential in helping you get you where you need to be.